The following can be used as Secondary use in the Community documents
Secondary use in the community documents, You must supply one document from this category:
a) DFAT issued Certificate of Identity;
b) DFAT issued Document of Identity;
c) DFAT issued United Nations Convention Travel Document Secondary;
d) Foreign government issued identity documents (e.g. driver’s licence). Documents in languages other than English must be accompanied by a NAATI accredited translation;
e) Medicare card;
f) Proof of electoral enrolment with the Australian Electoral Commission;
g) Australian Security Guard/Crowd Control photo licence;
h) Evidence of right to a government benefit (DVA or Centrelink);
i) Consular photo identity card issued by DFAT;
j) Australian Police Force Officer photo identity card;
k) Australian Defence Force photo identity card;
l) Commonwealth or state/territory government photo identity card (this may take the form of a working with children or vulnerable people card or a government issued occupational licence);
m) Australian Aviation security identification card;
n) Australian Maritime security identification card;
o) Australian Firearms licence;
p) Credit reference check issued by a credit provider;
q) Australian secondary or tertiary student photo identity document issued by an Australian secondary school. TAFE, university or registered training organisation;
r) Certified academic transcript from an Australian secondary school, TAFE, university or registered training organisation;
s) Trusted referees report;
t) Bank card, credit card (without recording the payment card number/s) issued by a bank, credit union or building society. The Applicant’s signature must be on the card. Documents from foreign banks or institutions are not accepted; and
u) Tax File Number issued by the Australian Taxation Office.