You must supply three identity documents, One from the Commencement of Identity document list, one from the Primary use in the Community list and one from the Secondary use in the Community list.
If you cannot meet the identity requirements please contact CrimCheck or the organisation that has requested that you fill out a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check.If you do not have your documents with you, do not worry, at the end of the process you will be sent an email detailing how to supply any missing documents.
Commencement of identity documents, You must supply one document from this category:
a) Australian birth certificate or authorised record of birth (not an extract or birth card)
b) Immigration record or document, including:
1. an Australian Citizenship Certificate;
2. an Australian visa (supported by a foreign passport, which is needed for verification); and
3. an ImmiCard issued by the Department of Home Affairs to assist visa holders to provide evidence of their Commencement of Identity in Australia.
c) current Australian passport (not expired, however, if the DVS is used to verify the passport, it may be up to 3 years expired)
Primary use in the community documents, You must supply one document from this category:
a) current Australian passport, including Ordinary, Frequent traveler, Diplomatic, Official and Emergency (not expired; however, if the DVS is used to verify the passport, it may be up to 3 years expired);
b) an Australian driver licence, learner permit or provisional licence issued by a State or Territory, showing signature and/or photo;
c) ImmiCard issued by the Department of Home Affairs to assist visa holders to provide evidence of their Commencement of Identity in Australia;
d) Foreign passport issued by a country other than Australia with a valid visa or valid entry stamp or equivalent;
e) a proof of age or photo identity card issued by an Australian government agency which shows the name, date of birth, photo and signature of the individual; and
f) for persons aged under 18 years with no other primary use in community documents, a student identity document issued by an Australian secondary school. TAFE, university, registered training organisation or State government agency only.
Secondary use in the community documents, You must supply one document from this category:
a) DFAT issued Certificate of Identity;
b) DFAT issued Document of Identity;
c) DFAT issued United Nations Convention Travel Document Secondary;
d) Foreign government issued identity documents (e.g. driver’s licence). Documents in languages other than English must be accompanied by a NAATI accredited translation;
e) Medicare card;
f) Proof of electoral enrolment with the Australian Electoral Commission;
g) Australian Security Guard/Crowd Control photo licence;
h) Evidence of right to a government benefit (DVA or Centrelink);
i) Consular photo identity card issued by DFAT;
j) Australian Police Force Officer photo identity card;
k) Australian Defence Force photo identity card;
l) Commonwealth or state/territory government photo identity card (this may take the form of a working with children or vulnerable people card or a government issued occupational licence);
m) Australian Aviation security identification card;
n) Australian Maritime security identification card;
o) Australian Firearms licence;
p) Credit reference check issued by a credit provider;
q) Australian secondary or tertiary student photo identity document issued by an Australian secondary school. TAFE, university or registered training organisation;
r) Certified academic transcript from an Australian secondary school, TAFE, university or registered training organisation;
s) Trusted referees report;
t) Bank card, credit card (without recording the payment card number/s) issued by a bank, credit union or building society. The Applicant’s signature must be on the card. Documents from foreign banks or institutions are not accepted; and
u) Tax File Number issued by the Australian Taxation Office.